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Teaching Material on Minimum Initial Service Package for Reproductive Health for Midwives

Teaching Material on Minimum Initial Service Package for Reproductive Health for Midwives

Technical Reports and Document

Indonesia, faces high risks of disasters like earthquake, volcanic eruptions, floods, and tsunamis. These disasters increase vulnerability, particularly for women and girls, impacting reproductive health. The Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) provides essential sexual and reproductive health services (SRH) during crises.

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UNFPA Indonesia Programme Updates - May - June 2021

Situation Report

UNFPA Indonesia Programme Updates - May - June 2021

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UNFPA Indonesia Programme Updates - 1 January - 30 April 2021

Situation Report

UNFPA Indonesia Programme Updates - 1 January - 30 April 2021

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UNFPA Indonesia Covid-19 Response November-December 2020

Situation Report

UNFPA Indonesia Covid-19 Response Situational Report November-December 2020

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Prioritizing Women and Girls in Humanitarian Crises, A look back at the 2019 Maluku Humanitarian Response


On September 26, 2019, a large-scale earthquake with a substantial magnitude of 6.5 struck Ambon, Maluku Province, with over 2,500 houses were damaged and 130,000 people were displaced, according to the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB). The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was on the ground, under the coordination of The Ministry of Health as the Reproductive Health Sub Cluster Coordinator, to continue sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and ensure the safety and dignity of women and girls.


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Pedoman Pelayanan Minimum Kesehatan Lanjut Usia (PMKL) pada Krisis Kesehatan

Pedoman Pelayanan Minimum Kesehatan Lanjut Usia (PMKL) pada Krisis Kesehatan


Crisis situations due to disasters, including pandemic outbreaks such as the COVID-19, increase older person's vulnerability (Ministry of Health, 2020). This book provides guidelines for implementing the Minimum Health Service for Older Persons to meet the older persons' essential needs during crisis situations. The implementation of the Minimum Health Service for Older Persons (Pelayanan Minimum Kesehatan Lansia) during a health crisis is focused on three objectives, namely (1) To ensure the availability and accessibility of general health and reproductive health services for the older persons, (2) To improve the health and protection aspects for the older persons in displaced conditions, and (3) To meet other essential needs of the older persons through multi-sectoral partnerships: WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), evacuation/shelters and the availability of food. Coordination between the Health and Displacement and Protection Cluster is the key to having better preparedness, response, and recovery plans in meeting the minimum needs of older persons in health crisis situations.

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Panduan Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dari Diskriminasi dan Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dalam Situasi Pandemi


Dalam keadaan yang begitu berat bagi perempuan dan anak perempuan, “Panduan Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dari Diskriminasi dan Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dalam Situasi Pandemi” berada pada titik kritis. Disusun secara kolaboratif oleh KPPPA, UNFPA, dan UN Women bersama dengan anggota sub-klaster GBV lainnya, dengan dukungan dari UN MPTF COVID-19 pedoman ini menetapkan tidak hanya parameter minimum untuk pencegahan dan tanggapan GBV bagi perempuan dan anak perempuan dalam situasi kemanusiaan tetapi juga bagaimana menyesuaikan tanggapan kita dan menjadi inklusif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan khusus kelompok rentan, seperti penyandang disabilitas, korban perdagangan manusia, pekerja migran, pengungsi internal, dan lanjut usia.

Kami berharap dokumen ini, yang memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana banyak pemain dapat bekerja bahu-membahu untuk memperkuat pencegahan GBV dan mekanisme respons dan memperkuat ketahanan masyarakat selama pandemi, akan menjadi referensi berharga bagi semua orang yang berkomitmen untuk menyelamatkan nyawa dan melindungi perempuan dan anak perempuan selama pandemi dan pada akhirnya berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan perempuan dan anak perempuan di Indonesia.

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Exploring young people's experiences with health-related content in social media platforms: A qualitative study to inform youth-friendly services demand generation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This qualitative research was conducted to understand young people’s experiences with digital health content to form the basis of demand generation strategies that will help connect more young people to life-saving health services and information, utilizing youth-led, innovative, participatory methods.

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UNFPA Indonesia Covid-19 Response September-October 2020

Situation Report

UNFPA Indonesia Covid-19 Response Situational Report September-October 2020

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UNFPA Indonesia Covid-19 Response July-August 2020

Situation Report

UNFPA Indonesia Covid-19 Response Situational Report July-August 2020

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