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Eradication of the Practice of FGM

One Decade of Indonesia's Efforts in Eradication of the Practice of FGM/C: The Experience of UNFPA's Working Partners


THIS is a photo story on the efforts of UN-FPA’s working partners toward eradicat-ing the practice of Female Genital Mutila-tion and/or Cutting (FGM/C) in Indonesia. The term FGM/C refers to all actions to deliberately injure female genitalia based on prejudice regarding females’ sex and sexuality. These actions are performed without medical reason and have no ben-efit for anyone, let alone for females.  

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Langkah Praktis Tata Laksana Kekerasan Seksual di Situasi Bencana

Langkah Praktis Tata Laksana Kekerasan Seksual di Situasi Bencana


This pocketbook provides practical steps for the clinical management of sexual violence, serving as a reference for doctors, midwives, and nurses. It supplements the Clinical Practices of Sexual Violence in Crisis Situations Guideline (2019) and Guideline for Service and Referrals for Violence against Women and Children cases (2021) issued by UNFPA and the Ministry of Health. This pocket guide/book is adaptable according to national policies and disaster areas, with consideration of equipment and medication availability.

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Two Indonesian school girls wearing hijab smile with string instruments in their hands

BERANI Empowering Lives: Better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All Indonesia (BERANI) Programme Information 2018-2023


From 2018-2023, the “Better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All in Indonesia (BERANI)” programme has made significant contributions to improve the quality of life of women and girls across the country. BERANI is a collaborative programme between the Government of Indonesia, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNICEF, with support by the Government of Canada. 

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Two Indonesian school girls wearing hijab smile with string instruments in their hands

BERANI untuk Berdaya: Informasi Program Better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All Indonesia (BERANI) 2018-2023


Selama 2018-2023, program “Better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All in Indonesia (BERANI)” telah memberikan banyak kontribusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan dan anak perempuan di Indonesia. BERANI adalah program kerja sama antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Dana Kependudukan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (UNFPA) dan UNICEF, yang didukung oleh Pemerintah Kanada.

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Leaving No One Behind: Inspiring Stories; Appreciation, Innovation, and Transformation

Leaving No One Behind: Inspiring Stories; Appreciation, Innovation, and Transformation

Technical Reports and Document

This publication is the final report of the Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) programme that contains the programme’s objectives, content, and inspiring stories from the people involved.

To ensure that the most vulnerable populations could obtain continuous access to health, social, and rights protection services during the COVID-19 pandemic, from April 2021-September 2022 the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Indonesia partnered with 15 ministries/government institutions and civil society organizations in implementing the “Leaving No One Behind (LNOB): Everyone Counts in an Inclusive COVID-19 Response”. Funded by the Government of Japan, the LNOB programme focused on rights, empowerment, participation, and capacity development in addressing inequalities. It focused on the furthest left behind groups, including pregnant women, gender-based violence (GBV) survivors, persons living with HIV (PLHIV), older persons, and persons with disabilities (PWD). 

Within the humanitarian context, the LNOB Programme bridged the humanitarian and development divide by ensuring that humanitarian assistance is delivered in the context of resilience and broader sustainable development priorities. Adopting a Build Back Better approach, UNFPA Indonesia focuses on strengthening institutional, individual, and community capacities to reduce vulnerability to be more resilient to future disasters, and overcome multiple threats in crisis situations, especially during the COVID-19 interruption. 

The stories in this report illustrate cross-cutting human rights issues and intersectionality in the humanitarian-development context. They illuminate people’s determination and resilience, local strength and leadership, local innovation, collaboration, and resource mobilization. This report also summarizes LNOB’s contributions to achieving the goals including policy advocacy at the national and local levels, capacity building, and provision of direct services.

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Profil Kebencanaan Daerah Tahun 2021

Profil Kebencanaan Daerah Tahun 2021

Technical Reports and Document

The 2021 Regional Disaster Profile Book presents the data of the disasters and the resulting damages from Indonesia’s 34 provinces and 514 districts/municipalities. These districts/municipalities are grouped according to island groups such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. To complement the data on disaster events that occurred in every province and district in Indonesia, this book also displays information on the population disaggregated by age and sex groups living in disaster-prone areas.

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UNFPA Indonesia Annual Report 2021

UNFPA Indonesia Annual Report 2021

Annual Report

UNFPA Indonesia Annual Report 2021

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UNFPA Indonesia 2021 Key Achievements

UNFPA Indonesia 2021 Key Achievements

Annual Report

UNFPA Indonesia 2021 Key Achievements

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National Study on the Impact of Covid‐19 on Older Persons including Older Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia

National Study on the Impact of Covid‐19 on Older Persons including Older Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia

Technical Reports and Document

Through the funding from the Government of Japan, UNFPA in collaboration with the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) provided technical assistance and conducted the National Study on the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Older Persons, including Those with Disabilities in Indonesia through the Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) project.


The result of the study is hoped to provide an understanding of how COVID-19 affects the lives of older persons, including those with disabilities, in health, social, and economic aspects during the pandemic nationwide, as well as to offer recommendations for safeguarding sustainable integrated access to health and social services for older persons, including those with disabilities in Indonesia.

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UNFPA Indonesia Profile

UNFPA Indonesia Profile

Fact Sheet

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Since 1972, UNFPA has been one of Indonesia’s most prominent partners in reproductive health, youth, population and development, and gender equality.

UNFPA Indonesia strives to achieve three transformative results also known as the three zeros, a global commitment to end preventable maternal deaths, unmet need for family planning, and gender-based violence and harmful practices, guided by the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Agenda.

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