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6 August 2012

MOWECP, ASEAN Secretariat and UNFPA Join Forces to Promote the Availability of Reliable Statistics on Violence Against Women in ASEAN Countries

Jakarta, 6 August 2012 – Violence against women (VAW) is a global phenomenon that has received increased attention in recent decades. However, the... Read more

17 July 2012

Remarks of UNFPA Representative for World Population Day 2012

We frame these issues within the context of human rights and gender equality, since reproductive health is an essential component of general health... Read more

11 July 2012

UNFPA and the Government of Indonesia Reaffirm Commitment to Achieve Universal Access to Reproductive Health Services

As part of the commemorations in Kupang, a seminar and discussion on reproductive health issues was held, at which the keynote speaker was Dr. Slamet... Read more

9 July 2012

Message from Executive Director for World Population Day 2012

Today, as we commemorate World Population Day, it is time to re-energize our commitment touniversal access to reproductive health services,especially... Read more

25 June 2012

World Leaders Adopt Consensus Vision, ‘The Future We Want’, Cementing Central Role of Reproductive Health in Sustainability

World leaders further committed to working “actively to ensure that health systems provide the necessary information and services addressing the... Read more

14 June 2012

UNFPA Supports BNPB-BPS Collaboration on Population Data for Disaster Management

With support from UNFPA, BNPB and BPS will formalize their collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), expected to be finalized in the... Read more

8 June 2012

UNFPA and BKKBN Launch Plan for ICPD Beyond 2014 Review

However, these efforts are not enough, Lutviah pointed out. “Surveys showed that one out of eight teenagers in Indonesia remain in the dark about HIV... Read more

8 June 2012

UNFPA Strengthens Commitment in NTT

We remain committed and hope to strengthen our collaboration in the areas of reproductive health, including for adolescents and youth; family... Read more

23 May 2012

Beyond MDGs: Indonesia’s Role as Middle Income Country in Addressing HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Moving beyond 2015, we need to keep in mind that globally, we are moving toward sustainable development framework, where social, environment and... Read more

3 May 2012

Investing in Midwifery Pays

United Nations, New York -- On this International Day of the Midwife, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund and ICM, the International... Read more
