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17 December 2012

New award and annual seminar will remember Dr. Firman Lubis

Jakarta, 11 December 2012 — Colleagues remember him as "a pioneer." For decades, they say, Dr. Firman Lubis dedicated himself to doing what... Read more

6 December 2012

Global Youth Forum Unites the Voices of Young People: ICPD review positions youth to lead the front line of change

BALI, 6 December 2012 — The Global Youth Forum concluded in Bali Thursday, marking the end of a three-day meeting that outlined the vision and... Read more

30 November 2012

ICPD Beyond 2014 Review in Indonesia

In September 1994, The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was held in Cairo, Egypt. The outcome of ICPD was a Programme of... Read more

27 November 2012

UNFPA Indonesia Engages Religious Leaders and Government in Eliminating Early Marriage

Jakarta, 27 November 2012— Religious leaders are uniquely positioned to protect the dignity and rights of young people by discouraging early marriage... Read more

26 November 2012

Road to Bali Events Engage Youth Across Indonesia

Experts in attendance included Syaifudin Zakirin Palembang, Yayan Sakti Suryandaru in Surabaya,Septi Peni Wulandani in Semarang, Zulkhair Burhan in... Read more

15 November 2012

State of World Population 2012 launches in Indonesia: UNFPA report calls for universal access to voluntary family planning

Jakarta, 14 November 2012 — Millions of people continue struggle for the right to plan the number and spacing of their children, according to a... Read more

14 November 2012

State of World Population 2012: By Choice, Not By Chance - Family Planning, Human Rights and Development

Jakarta, 14 November 2012 — The right to access family planning is widely recognized in the global community, but denied to millions around the world... Read more

31 October 2012

Commemorating International Day of Older Persons 2012: UNFPA Committed to Address Issues of Population Ageing through a Multi-faceted Strategy

The world is witnessing unprecedented growth in older populations, especially in Asia. This global demographic shift presents opportunities and... Read more

14 August 2012

BKKBN and UNFPA Launch the Global Youth Forum: Youth Rights at the Heart of Development

The Forum, to be held in Bali 4-6 December 2012, will establish a platform for sustained worldwide conversation about youth issues. It is the first... Read more

6 August 2012

MOWECP, ASEAN Secretariat and UNFPA Join Forces to Promote the Availability of Reliable Statistics on Violence Against Women in ASEAN Countries

Jakarta, 6 August 2012 – Violence against women (VAW) is a global phenomenon that has received increased attention in recent decades. However, the... Read more
