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22 November 2010

Online competition to support ending violence against women

Peserta kompetisi harus menyebarluaskan isu anti kekerasan terhadap perempuan kepada banyak orang. Kemudian setiap hari, selama 16 hari berturut-... Read more

15 November 2010

Press release: UNFPA assists pregnant women displaced by Indonesian volcano

Tens of thousands of pregnant women are among the 320,000 people uprooted by two recent eruptions of Mount Merapi in Central Java, Indonesia. To... Read more

2 September 2010

Enlisting Shadow Puppets as Agents of Change in Indonesia

Wayang has a good track record when it comes to bringing up new ideas and distinctions in rural Indonesia. In the 1970s and 1980s, family planning... Read more

6 July 2010

One million female condoms for 2010

Comprehensive condom programming is a key institutional priority for UNFPA, because condoms, both male and female, are recognized as the only... Read more

22 June 2009

Public debate of the Indonesia Medium–term Plan 2010-2014: Population and Family Planning Issues

Poor communities are in general not aware of the fact that big families have to share their limited resources to all children, making it more... Read more

7 May 2009

Women's and rights activitists to continuously work to end sunat perempuan

UNFPA, he added, would continue to support programme to end such harmful practice that degrade women’s dignity through raising health and gender... Read more

25 January 2006

Ibu Epon weaves fancy objects and economic empowerment for women in remote Sukarindik village of Tasikmalaya

West Java, INDONESIA - Using plants available abundantly in Tasikmalaya district and generation-old, traditional weaving skills, Ibu Epon (63) has... Read more

5 January 2006

UNFPA Supports MTV Staying Alive Campaign 2006

This, thus, increases their vulnerability to violence and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Empowering young people in different... Read more

11 July 2005

2005 World Population Day

In education: More and more women enjoy primary and secondary education but there is a gender gap in higher education level where 54.1% men and only... Read more

7 April 2005

Mini grant unites the community to support pregnant women and saves lives

JAKARTA, 07 April 2005 - Knowing the signs of high risk pregnancies and helping pregnant women reach a nearby community health centers (puskesmas),... Read more
