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Technical Reports and Document

Discussion Paper on Family Planning, Human Rights and Development in Indonesia (SWOP 2012)

ndonesia’s family planning program has been recognized as one of the key international successes in national-level interventions on reproductive health. During the past 40...

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Disparity of Access & Quality Review of Maternal Mortality in Five Region in Indonesia

The Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) in Indonesia is higher than those of neighboring countries in ASEAN. It is estimated that 20,000 women die from complications of pregnancy or chi...

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Technical Reports and Document

Policy Memo Population Dynamics and Climate Change

climate change is about people as well as climate. During the last 20 years climate scientists have confirmed that global warming over the last century is “unequivocal&rdqu...

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Technical Reports and Document

Booklet Universal Access to Reproductive Health

Reproductive health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of reproductive disease or infirmity [7]. The implicatio...

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Technical Reports and Document

CPD 45th Session Resolution: Adolescents and Youth

Recalling also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the obligations of States parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Coven...

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State of World Population Report

State of World Population 2011: People and Possibilities in a World of 7 Billion

Nations like the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Finland, where fertility is lower and childbearing later than in most other parts of the world, are look-ing for ways to ...

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Technical Reports and Document

UNFPA-GoI 8th Country Programme

Over the past fi ve years, the context of Indonesia’s development cooperation has changed as a consequence of the nation’s emergence as a middle income country. Thi...

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Population Dynamics and Climate Change in Indonesia: Mobilizing for A Sustainable Future

he Government of indonesia has for several years been developing a national strategy to respond to climate change, and the UN has been partnering with the Government within the U...

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Technical Reports and Document

Booklet World at 7 Billion

n October 2011, Earth’s population reaches 7 billion. This global milestone is both a great opportunity and a great challenge. Although people are living longer and healthie...

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