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Discussion Paper on Family Planning, Human Rights and Development in Indonesia (SWOP 2012)

Discussion Paper on Family Planning, Human Rights and Development in Indonesia (SWOP 2012)


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Technical Reports and Document

Discussion Paper on Family Planning, Human Rights and Development in Indonesia (SWOP 2012)

Publication date

17 October 2012

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ndonesia’s family planning program has been
recognized as one of the key international successes
in national-level interventions on reproductive health.
During the past 40 years, Indonesia has achieved a
significant drop in the total fertility rate from 5.6 in
the late 1960s to a current rate of 2.3.
The use of
contraceptives among adults of reproductive age rose
steadily from 18.3% in 1976 to 61.4% in 2007.
can be directly credited to the family planning program
founded in 1970 under the auspices of the National
Family Planning Coordination Board (BKKBN – now
the National Population and Family Planning Board)
with the goals of addressing rapid population growth
leading to economic progress and improving the health
and quality of life for citizens