The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, hereby solicits a quotation for the following service:
“Media Mapping and Media Engagement Strategy Development on Cross-cutting Issues
Pertaining to ICPD, SDGs and UNFPA Mandate”
UNFPA requires the provision of Media Mapping and Media Engagement Strategy Development on Cross-cutting Issues Pertaining to ICPD, SDGs and UNFPA Mandate, which aimed to identify key media outlets to engage on cross-cutting issues pertaining to ICPD, SDGs and UNFPA mandate at national and local levels; gauge journalists’ level of understanding of cross-cutting issues pertaining to ICPD, SDGs and UNFPA mandate; their challenges in covering the topics; and the support they need to improve their capacity. The media mapping will result in a report and media engagement strategy based on the results.
Your company is hereby invited to submit quotation for the requested services.
This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies or institutions located in Indonesia (local companies or institutions) that can provide the requested services.
Description of the requirements (terms of reference) as stated in the attached RFQ document.