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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - RFQ Number UNFPA/IDN/RFQ/21/011 - Development of Tele-Health Application for Midwives’ Supervision and Coaching Mechanism

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - RFQ Number UNFPA/IDN/RFQ/21/011 - Development of Tele-Health Application for Midwives’ Supervision and Coaching Mechanism


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The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, hereby solicits a quotation for the following service:

Development of Tele-Health Application for Midwives’ Supervision and Coaching Mechanism


UNFPA requires the provision of development of Tele-Health Application for Midwives’ Supervision and Coaching Mechanism as a job aid tool to ensure that practicing midwives will be able to get coaching needed to maintain their competencies and also provide optimal care for women and girls they serve. The application is expected to consist of modules for midwifery services with sample videos with references to the latest evidence based practice. This is in collaboration with the Indonesian Midwives Association (Ikatan Bidan Indonesia - IBI).


Your company is hereby invited to submit quotation for the requested services.


This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that located in Indonesia (local companies) that can provide the requested services.


Description of requirements as stated in the attached RFQ document.