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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - RFQ Number UNFPA/IDN/RFQ/20/020 - Design and Printing

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - RFQ Number UNFPA/IDN/RFQ/20/020 - Design and Printing


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The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, hereby solicits a quotation for the following production:



Document Name*

Printing Quantity

Expected Delivery

Lot 1

Design and Printing MISP Lessons Learned (Indonesian Version and English Version):

  1. Dokumentasi Pembelajaran dari Paket Pelayanan Awal Minimum Kesehatan Reproduksi di Sulawesi Tengah
  2. Documentation of Lessons Learned from the Minimum Initial Services Package for Reproductive Health in Central Sulawesi, 2018-2019




  1. 150 Exemplars


  1. 50 Exemplars



21 December 2020

Lot 2

Design and Printing Buku Saku (Indonesian Version)

Buku Saku Pengelola Program Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Pada Krisis Kesehatan – Bahasa Indonesia


150 Exemplars

21 December 2020

Lot 3

Design and Printing Guide Book (Indonesian Version)

Panduan Perlindungan Hak Perempuan dari Diskriminasi dan Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dalam Situasi Pandemi


300 Exemplars

Final Layout: 8 December 2020;

Final Printing: 21 December 2020

Partial Bid is allowed

Details Specification, timeline, material is described in Annex IV in RFQ document



Your company is hereby invited to submit quotation for the requested products. This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested products and have legal capacity to perform in the country, or through an authorized representative.


Description of products and requirements as stated in the attached RFQ document.