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Pedoman Pelaksanaan Paket Pelayanan Awal Minimum (PPAM) Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja pada Krisis Kesehatan

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Paket Pelayanan Awal Minimum (PPAM) Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja pada Krisis Kesehatan
Pedoman Pelaksanaan Paket Pelayanan Awal Minimum (PPAM) Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja pada Krisis Kesehatan


UNFPA, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Number of pages



UNFPA, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Technical Reports and Document

Pedoman Pelaksanaan Paket Pelayanan Awal Minimum (PPAM) Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja pada Krisis Kesehatan

Publication date

01 June 2017

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The Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Adolescent Reproductive Health in a Health Crisis Situation

contains step by step guidance for programmers and health providers on how to implement MISP for adolescents.

It includes how to assess their needs, develop a response plan, identify a specific approach and intervene to address

adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) in health crises with entry points for youth involvement as

as well as guidance for conducting monitoring and evaluation. This guideline is adapted from the “ASRH Toolkit for

Humanitarian Settings” developed by UNFPA and Save the Children with an accompaniment for the guideline on

“MISP in a Health Crisis”. The adaptation process and guideline development was led by the Ministry of Health, in

collaboration with UNFPA, and with involvement of relevant stakeholders, including representatives from young



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05 April 2022

PPAM Kesehatan Reproduksi
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