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National Action Plan - Family Planning Services 2014-2015

National Action Plan - Family Planning Services 2014-2015
National Action Plan - Family Planning Services 2014-2015


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Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia


National Action Plan - Family Planning Services 2014-2015

Publication date

01 December 2013

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The National Action Plan for Family Planning Services for 2014-2015 is prepared in order to provide direction and foundation for the development of a wide range of efforts aimed at the strengthening of providers or organizers and users of family planning services. The National Action Plan is prepared in line with the Action Plan for the Acceleration inReduction of Maternal Mortality Rate in Indonesia.The action plan is expected to strengthen the cooperation across programs and across sectors in support of family planning services. Furthermore, the National Action Plan is expected to accelerate the achievement of the targets of MDGs, namely the reduction in MMR and the provision of universal access to reproductive health services.