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UNFPA Strengthens Commitment in NTT

UNFPA Strengthens Commitment in NTT


UNFPA Strengthens Commitment in NTT

calendar_today 08 June 2012

KUPANG, NTT – UNFPA is honored to collaborate with the Government of East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur/NTT) and committed to strengthen its programming in the province, said UNFPA Representative Mr. Jose Ferraris, during his visit on 15 May 2012.


“We remain committed and hope to strengthen our collaboration in the areas of reproductive health, including for adolescents and youth; family planning; gender equality; and in the use of population data for development planning and strategies in NTT during our programme cycle for 2011-2015,” said Mr. Ferraris during a meeting with the Governor, Drs. Frans Lebu Raya.


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Mr. Ferraris added that while the financial contribution is modest, UNFPA prides itself inproviding partners with technical expertise in the areas of its mandate to address the needs of the people of NTT. At the moment, he said that UNFPA is thinking about how to integrate its programmes in the three districts of Alor, Manggarai, and Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) with the government’s Anggur Merah (Budget to Improve People’s Welfare) and Revolusi KIA (Maternal and Child Health Revolution), two programme champions aimed at eliminating poverty and improvingthe health of mothers and children in NTT.


“We really appreciate your support and collaboration in NTT, and welcome UNFPA to work with us through Anggur Merah in villages. By incorporating UNFPA programmes, we will not only improve the economy of our people, but also empower them in the areas of family planning, maternal health, youth and adolescent reproductive health, as well as gender equality,” said the Governor.


Drs. Frans said that UNFPA could join forces with Anggur Merah’s field team, which consists of midwives, family planning field workers, and women’s groups, for community mobilization in the field.


“We hope that the collaboration may benefit each other’s programmes, leading to prosperous and healthy people in NTT,” said Drs. Frans. In addition, he also recommended that UNFPA consider other districts of NTT for expanding its pilot interventions, such as Sumba.


Following a meeting with the Governor and provincial Bappeda staff, Mr. Ferraris continued with the formal inauguration of the UNFPA Field Coordination Office in Kupang, headed by Ms. Salmiati Kaunang. The formal opening of the office was presided by Dr. dr. Hironimus Fernandez, M.Kes, Secretary of Bappeda  and was followed by an informal gathering with UN staff based in Kupang as well as representatives from implementing partners. Mr. Ferraris extended his deep appreciation to Bappeda and the General Affairs Bureau for generously offering office space for UNFPA’s FCO in NTT.


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Mr. Jose Ferraris and Dr.dr. Hironimus Fernandez, M.Kes, inaugurate NTT Field Office     


Tags: Population


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