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UNFPA Focuses Assistance in Indonesia 2014-2015

UNFPA Focuses Assistance in Indonesia 2014-2015


UNFPA Focuses Assistance in Indonesia 2014-2015

calendar_today 14 February 2014



UNFPA and the Government of Indonesia have built a strong foundation for their work together over the coming two years with the development of Project Documents and Annual Work Plans 2014-2015 involving all implementing partners


Eight Project Documents and Annual Work Plans for 2014-2015 were signed by UNFPA, the United Nations Populations Fund, and the Government of Indonesia on 10 February 2014. The signing event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Human Resources and Culture at the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Ms. Nina Sardjunani, UNFPA Representative in Indonesia, Mr. Jose Ferraris, and representatives from the departments and agencies that UNFPA works with: National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (MOWECP), National Aids Commission (KPAN), and National Commission on Prevention of Gender-Based Violence (Komnas Perempuan).


The two-year project documents are part of the Eight Country Programme cycle between UNFPA partnership and the Government of Indonesia, which runs for five years from 2011 to 2015, and is worth around USD 7 million.  During her remarks at the signing, Ms. Nina Sardjunani said “it is expected that the programmes will have a great impact on the people of Indonesia”.  Mr. Jose Farraris said that “the programme will part of the process of moving UNFPA’s work with the Government of Indonesia into a new phase of high-level policy dialogue and engagement” that will provide technical and strategic assistance.


The eight project documents and work plans cover a wide range of activities in the areas of: improving the quality of reproductive health services in order to reduce maternal mortality and improve women’s reproductive health; revitalizing the national family planning programme; addressing the HIV epidemic and gender-based violence; supporting adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) information, education and services; and the linkages between population and development issues, including the newly emerging areas on population such as ageing, urbanization and climate change.

Tags: reproductive health, population, advocacy