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The Government of Indonesia – UNFPA Humanitarian Intervention

The Government of Indonesia – UNFPA Humanitarian Intervention


The Government of Indonesia – UNFPA Humanitarian Intervention

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Lack of access to basic needs, health services & protection heightens the vulnerabilities of 226,000 reproductive age women, including 20,569 pregnant women in 908 IDPs camps across Central Sulawesi. The Government of Indonesia – UNFPA launched humanitarian response in close partnership with members of the Reproductive Health and Protection of Women’s Rights Subclusters for:

  • Distribution of individual hygiene kits
  • Establishing ReproHealth clinics/tents for integrated health services, including safe pregnancy and childbirth
  • Family planning to avoid unwanted pregnancies
  • Adolescent reproductive health
  • Psychosocial support
  • Prevention & management of Gender-Based Violence
  • Establishing Women Friendly Spaces
  • Promoting data availability & utilization in emergency, reconstruction & development

Delivered in close partnership with organizations under the Reproductive Health and Protection of Women’s Rights subclusters with strong involvement of International NGOs and donor countries.