The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, hereby solicits a quotation for provision of services: Strategic Partnership Positioning for the Ninth Country Programme (2016-2020). Within the implementation of the Ninth Country Programme, starting in 2016, UNFPA Indonesia has worked to advance the ICPD Agenda within the context of Indonesia’s changing political and social dynamics. Advocating for equity in the area of reproductive health and reproductive rights amidst the changing political and social nuances will require UNFPA Indonesia to rethink and possibly expand the key partnerships that are needed for advocacy and behavior change in advancing the ICPD Agenda and in supporting the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia. As part of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) that UNFPA will carry out this year, UNFPA Indonesia will be hiring an institution to explore the Country Office positioning vis-a-vis partnerships for advocacy and resource mobilization.
This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to perform in the country, or through an authorized representative.
Description of services and requirements as stated in the attached RFQ document.