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Scaling-up CVA for People Living with HIV

Scaling-up CVA for  People Living with HIV
Scaling-up CVA for  People Living with HIV


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UNFPA Indonesia


Scaling-up CVA for People Living with HIV

Publication date

12 September 2023

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UNFPA Indonesia first provided cash assistance in 2020, working with implementing partner Indonesian Organization for Social Change (OPSI), a national network of sex workers that is trusted and well-known by sex workers at district level, to provide cash support to 155 female sex workers living with HIV.

The initial pilot programme with OPSI in 2020 coincided with the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which it was found that women living with HIV (WLHIV) and living with partners with HIV in Indonesia were facing increased economic vulnerability that was affecting their ability to access their HIV treatments and obtain other healthcare when needed. This report outlines UNFPA Indonesia’s scale-up of CVA for PLHIV and highlights the key learnings gained throughout that process.