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Indonesia Population Projection 2015-2045

Indonesia Population Projection 2015-2045
Indonesia Population Projection 2015-2045


Bappenas, BPS, UNFPA

Number of pages



Bappenas, BPS, UNFPA


Indonesia Population Projection 2015-2045

Publication date

27 August 2018

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The Government has assigned the 2005-2025 National Long Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the 2015-2019 National Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) a guide for the government in implementing national development. This document includes the latest population data and information to be used as a basis for determining development policies.

In addition to the developing population in the future, information on demographic parameters such as age structure, birth rate, mortality rate, and life expectancy are also important for accurate development planning. These information can be calculated through population projections.

The making of the 2015-2045 Population Projection book was carried out in collaboration between Bappenas, BPS, UNFPA and through discussions involving relevant agencies such as BKKBN, the Ministry of Health, and demographic experts.