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Reinforcing Indonesia’s Family Planning Programmes

Reinforcing Indonesia’s Family Planning Programmes


Reinforcing Indonesia’s Family Planning Programmes

calendar_today 01 July 2015


UNFPA Indonesia Representative Mr. Jose Ferraris co-chairs the first round-table policy dialogue on 'Institutional Reinforcement of Indonesia's Family Planning Programmes' with Ms. Nina Sardjunani, the Deputy Minister for Human Resources Development and Cultural Affairs at Bappenas in Jakarta on Wednesday, 1 July. 


High-level policy makers came together in Jakarta for the first round-table dialogue on “Institutional Reinforcement of Indonesia’s Family Planning Programmes” on Wednesday, 1 July.


The aim of the high-level meeting, which was held at the National Development and Planning Agency (Bappenas) in Jakarta, was to assist the development efforts of the nation, by identifying population and development issues where policy interventions can bring about major improvements in well-being and economic development.


UNFPA Indonesia Representative Mr. Jose Ferraris co-chaired the discussion alongside Ms. Nina Sardjunani, the Deputy Minister for Human Resources Development and Cultural Affairs at Bappenas.


“We firmly believe that family planning is one of the great public health achievements of the last century, globally and in Indonesia. Yet with this said, around 11 percent of Indonesian couples still do not have access to family planning services,” Mr. Ferraris said during his opening address.


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UNFPA Indonesia Representative Mr. Jose Ferraris and Ms. Nina Sardjunani, the Deputy Minister for Human Resources Development and Cultural Affairs at Bappenas during the high-level meeting in Jakarta. 


“As succinctly explained in the policy brief, appropriate policies are needed to revitalize the family planning programme, to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of services, and to reduce the current unmet need. This will help ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their reproductive rights.”


The objectives of the policy brief, which was developed by Prof. Budi Utomo from the Public Health Studies department at University of Indonesia, was to identify what kind of strategy needed to be used to strengthen the institution – which in this context refers to the collaborative actions by all relevant sectors and players at all levels, in designing, implementing and monitoring a family planning programme.


Despite the current issues and limitation involved in revitalizing Indonesia’s family planning programme, Prof. Budi emphasized that the strategy needed to generate results.


“The objective of this policy review is to find an appropriate strategy that can be used to reinforce the institution of family planning; a strategy that matches the unique conditions in Indonesia,” Prof. Budi explains in the executive summary of the policy brief.


“It will attempt to identify barriers related to the institution itself and to provide strategic solutions to reinforce the family planning programme.”


Other representatives who joined the round-table policy dialogue included Mr. Tubagus Rachmat Sentika, the Deputy Minister for Health, Population and Family Planning for the Coordinating Minister of Human Resources Development and Cultural Affairs, Mr. Slamet, the Ministry of Health’s head of Planning and Budgeting, Mr. Sanjoyo, the acting Deputy of Family Planning and Reproductive Health from the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), Ms. Gita Maya Komara Sakit, the Ministry of Health’s Director of Maternal Health, Ms. Suharti, Bappenas’ Director of Population, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, Ms. Kurniasih, Ministry of Home Affairs’ Director for Government Administration and a representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Directorate of Socio-cultural Affairs and International Organization of Developing Countries.


The round-table dialogue was the first in a series of potential meetings planned to discuss this issue along with other development topics throughout UNFPA’s Country Programme.