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Benefits of Population Data in Disaster Management Policy

Benefits of Population Data in Disaster Management Policy


Benefits of Population Data in Disaster Management Policy

calendar_today 27 November 2015

Baseline data is crucial in all stages of disaster management. This type of data can be derived from population censuses and large scale surveys, such as the 2010 Population Census and the 2011 Village Potential Survey. The collected data can then be processed with the aim of assisting in planning through prvoiding more accurate analysis of the population, including the vulnerable groups and public infrastructure, that are affected in times of danger. One of the ways that this data can be presented is through a ‘Regional Province Infographic’ book.


This infographic book was developed in cooperation with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the BPS – Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and with technical support from several United nations agencies, including UNFPA, OCHA, WFP and UNDP. This multi-stakeholder cooperation can be seen as an innovative way of using integrated data collected from various parties for the sake of humanity. The Representative of UNFPA, Jose Ferraris, says that “the book will provide fast and reliable data for BNPB and other humanitarian actors working on policy planning and analysis”. In addition to that, Rajan Gengaje, Chief of OCHA Indonesia expect the publication will contribute to the works of stakeholders from government, national and international actors in disaster preparedness and humanitarian response. The book contains visual depictions, in the form of maps and graphics, of Indonesia’s provinces and focuses on seven main sectors. These sectors are: population, food security, livelihoods, education, health, water and sanitation and disasters.


Alongside this book, the tripartite cooperation has also resulted in the development of a book on ‘National Guidelines for Population Data Usage in Disaster Relief’. This handbook provides detailed guidance on the use of population data in all phases of disaster management including, pre-, during and post-disaster.


Furthermore, the Head of Data, Information and Public Relations of BNPB, Mr. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, said that the presentation of data through infographics can be used in the preparation of a disaster preparedness program or during a emergency response. Sutopo states, “there is no disaster plan that can succeed without the use of existing data, such as demographic data or disaster data”.


In order to introduce the two books on population data and disaster management, BNPB along with BPS and the support of UNFPA have organized a national seminar with the theme: “Book Launchings for the Provincial Infographics and National Guidelines on Use of Population Data in Disaster Management”, to be held at the Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta on Thursday (27/11). The seminar will be attended by the related ministries/agencies, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, such as MPBI, MDMC, PMI, ECB and the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia (HFI).





Dr. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho                                            

Head of Data, Information, and Public Relations BNPB                          

Mobile: 0816773673    

Email: sutopopn2001@gmail.com    


Rosilawati Anggraini

NPO. Humanitarian UNFPA 

Mobile: 08121068322

Email: anggraini@unfpa.org