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Advocacy Visit to Papua

Advocacy Visit to Papua


Advocacy Visit to Papua

calendar_today 05 March 2012

Jayapura - On 15 February 2012, UNFPA Representative, Mr. Jose Ferraris led a team from Jakarta and  Field Coordination Office  in Jayapura to undertake an advocacy visit to the Governments of Papua Province and Jayapura regency.


The Acting Governor of Papua, Dr. Syamsul Arief Rivai Bulu and his staff welcomed Mr. Ferraris and UNFPA team that consisted of National Program Officer for Advocacy, Mr. Samidjo; NPO for Gender, Ms. Lany Harijanti, and the Field Coordination Officer for Papua, Mr. Julius Ari Mollet.


During the meeting, Mr. Ferraris informed the Acting Governor and his team about UNFPA’s partnership with the Government of Papua since 2007. In Papua, UNFPA works with the local Government to achieve  universal access to reproductive health, including access to emergency obstetric care and qualified birth attendants and the monitoring of the implementation of the Jampersal insurance scheme to cover maternal health care and family planning; reducing the  unmet needs of family planning/child spacing, prevention of HIV among young people and other groups at risk, and raising the awareness and access of young people to Adolescent Reproductive Health services. UNFPA’s support will also, strengthen the capacity of local Governments to prevent& respond to gender-based violence, through a Joint Programme with UNICEF and UN Women in three selected districts, and improving the quality of data and strengthening the Population Study Center of Cendrawasih University (UNCEN) to analyze population-related data for local development planning.


Dr. Syamsul expressed his gratitude for UNFPA assistance and requested that it be focused on providing technical assistance to Papua on the above mentioned issues. The Governor reiterated the needs of remote and difficult-to-reach areas in Papua and discussed how UNFPA’s programme can benefit the population living in those communities.


Following the visit to the Governor’s Office, the UNFPA team also visited the Regency of Jayapura Office and met with Acting Regent, Mr. Edison Muabuay, together with officials from the Regency Planning and Development Board (Bappeda).


Mr. Jose Ferraris reiterated during the meeting that the UNFPA’s partnership with Government of Jayapura Regency is the most comprehensive among the 10 focus districts in CP8 as covers all 7 outcome areas of the new Strategic Plan.


Both the Acting Governor of Papua Province and Regent Edison highlighted that one of the most challenging issues in the Province and in the Regency is the prevention of HIV/AIDS. They indicated that both Provincial and Regency Governments are strongly promoting a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention, which includes the promotion of male circumcision and the use of condoms. Papua’s prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS stands at 2.4 percent among 15-49 year-olds, against 0.2 percent in the rest of the country, reported the National Aids Commission (NAC).


Mr. Ferraris reiterated that UNFPA’s comprehensive approach to adolescent reproductive health and HIV prevention will take these issues into consideration and will work intensively with the respective Governments and civil society partners.

Tags: Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Papua




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