
UNFPA Indonesia Annual Report 2022

UNFPA Indonesia Annual Report 2022


Results Recommendations

The Law on Sexual Violence Crimes, which provides a legal framework for handling sexual violence, was endorsed by the Government of Indonesia.

Results Recommendations

The minimum initial service package (MISP) national accredited training module and curriculum were endorsed by the Government of Indonesia and disseminated.

Results Recommendations

The National Action Plan for Improving the Well-being of School-aged Children and Adolescents was launched; it is a joint commitment by 20 ministries and government institutions to advance the wellbeing of young people aged 8–16.

Results Recommendations

An emergency obstetric care assessment tool was developed, and baseline indicators for the District of Garut were obtained

Results Recommendations

UNFPA supported the Government to establish two South-South and triangular cooperation centres of excellence in family planning and sexual and reproductive health.

Chapter 1



In 2022, we have made significant progress towards ending preventable maternal mortality, which is one of the Three Transformative Results (known as Three Zeros), a global commitment made at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). As midwives play a key role in improving maternal health, capacity building and advocacy for investing in midwives were one of our priorities. The 2020 Population Census found that Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has decreased significantly from 305/100,000 live births in 2015 (Intercensal Population Survey/SUPAS 2015) to 189/100,000 live births in 2020. It means that 1 mother dies every hour due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, with the assumption that there are 4.7 million live births in a year. Another significant milestone in ending maternal mortality in Indonesia was the updated Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) guidelines developed by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) with support by UNFPA and partners.


Key achievements

Results Recommendations

Engaged more health facilities in using the maternal and perinatal death notification (MPDN) application as part of the Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR), strengthening the maternal and perinatal audit (MPA) process in 14 provinces and 1 district.

Results Recommendations

Developed Telebidan, a job-aid application to support the implementation of supervision and coaching for midwives.

Results Recommendations

Supported the capacity strengthening of 5 (five) new midwifery education centers of excellence.

Results Recommendations

Supported 10 (ten) existing Midwifery Centers of Excellence in improving their curriculum and faculties’ capacities.

Story of Change

  • Strengthening Data to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Indonesia

    With 189 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births (2020 Population Census), Indonesia has a substantially higher Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. With support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), UNFPA Indonesia works with the Ministry of Health in improving maternal health and reducing maternal mortality in Indonesia by strengthening the maternal and perinatal audit, surveillance and response (MPDSR) systems and implementation. With robust sexual and reproductive health data recording and analysis, we can ensure service monitoring, resource allocation, quality improvement, and decision making that accelerates MMR reduction in Indonesia.

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Chapter 2



As UNFPA Indonesia’s 10th Country Programme (CP10) 2021-2025 focuses on the goal of ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and information, an integrated approach to SRH is key. Building and strengthening partnerships, protecting the most vulnerable groups and key populations from the impact of humanitarian and health crises, and engaging the health sector in preventing and addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices are essential as part of our collective effort to achieve the Three Transformative Results.

Key achievements

Results Recommendations

The Government of Indonesia endorsed the Family Planning 2030 (FP2030) recommitment by establishing the Head of BKKBN Decree No.25/KEP/ H2/2021.

Results Recommendations

Officially launched the Family Planning 2030 (FP2030) commitments co-led by the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) and the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), and Global Affairs Canada.

Results Recommendations

Engaged 60 national partners from government institutions, civil society organisations, donors, academics, and the private sector in achieving rights-based family planning through FP2030 commitment in Indonesia.

Results Recommendations

Delivered a pilot project to prevent HIV transmission among intimate partners in 7 (seven) districts in Indonesia with the Indonesian People Living with HIV Network (JIP), resulting in data for female sex workers (FSW) programme development and integration with GBV intervention.

Results Recommendations

Trained 627 workers from 16 factories (90% of which are women) as part of the Partnership on Women’s Health and Wellbeing (WEALTH).

Results Recommendations

Reached 21,888 of the most vulnerable people in Indonesia, including people with disabilities, people living with HIV, survivors of GBV, pregnant women, women at risk and other selected beneficiaries, during the COVID-19.

Results Recommendations

Provided Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for 3,100 pregnant mothers in Lumajang, Sleman, Pasaman, and Pasaman Barat.

Results Recommendations

Distributed 300 dignity kits for women and 300 dignity kits to pregnant women, women in postpartum period, and older persons affected by the Cianjur earthquake in November 2022.

Results Recommendations

Developed a model for an integrated planning and budgeting for the Reproductive Health programme to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality.

Stories of Change

  • Cash assistance helps make HIV services more equitable

    Wati*, 38, did not know she had HIV until she had to take a test after her husband got hospitalized and tested positive for HIV. “When I first learned that I had HIV, I felt like my world was falling apart. I really didn’t expect to get infected,” Wati recalled. “What’s worse was that my husband was really sick… He couldn’t work and we could not use BPJS (the national health insurance, ed.) to pay for the hospital,” she continued.

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  • The Government of Indonesia committed to reducing unmet need for family planning

    Jakarta, 01 August 2022—The Government of Indonesia, supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Yayasan Cipta, and Global Affairs Canada, launched Indonesia’s commitment to Family Planning 2030 (FP2030) today (01/08). FP2030 is the successor of FP2020, a global partnership that seeks to advance rights-based family planning.

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Chapter 3



Engaging youth takes more than just involving them in programmes or giving them a seat at the table. Meaningful youth engagement means enabling them not to just participate but also to realize the changes they want to make and advocate for policies related to their interests, aspirations, and wellbeing. In 2022, we have taken innovative and creative approaches to equipping young people with the education, information, and services they need to thrive. Among the notable achievements of the year were roll-out of the teacher’s training on Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Education in the second year of the groundbreaking collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and Ministry of Health,, as well as the launch of the first National Action Plan to Improve the School-Aged Children and Adolescents Wellbeing (RAN PIJAR).

Key achievements

Results Recommendations

Provided technical assistance in implementing adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) education guidelines to 100 teachers in 30 junior high schools (SMP) in 10 (ten) provinces, and 30 teachers for students with intellectual disabilities in 3 (three) provinces.

Results Recommendations

Continued improving capacities of 130 teachers on ASRH education in 30 junior high schools and 10 special needs schools across 3 areas in Indonesia.

Results Recommendations

Facilitated young people’s participation as expert trainers in training 100 high schools principals on ARSH; training 170 health providers on out-of-school ARH education; training facilitators for HIV and STIs comprehensive programme in disaster situations at the community level; and capacity building of special education teachers in delivering ASRH education to students with intellectual disability in 54 schools from 11 provinces.

Results Recommendations

Developed and launched the first National Action Plan to Improve the School-Aged Children and Adolescents Wellbeing (RAN PIJAR) in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) and Kemenkes.

Results Recommendations

Updated the 2021 Youth Development Index (YDI) and its projection in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) goals in 2024 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora).

Story of Change

  • Indonesian teachers lead comprehensive sexuality education at special needs schools

    Teaching is a challenging job that requires not just skills but also dedication and compassion. It takes special skills, dedication, and compassion to teach sexual and reproductive health to students with intellectual disabilities. <br><br>Nurlinawati, a 44-year-old teacher at the State Special Needs School (SLB) Bina Bangsa Syamtalira Aron, North Aceh Regency, and Win Jeroh Miko, a 33-year-old teacher at the State Special Needs School (SLB) Kebayakan Takengon, Central Aceh Regency, did not know right away that teaching was their calling.

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Chapter 4



Ending gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices as one of the Three Transformative Results remains a priority in our Gender programme. This work has become increasingly critical as the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and heightened the risks of violence, discrimination, and other injustices against vulnerable populations. In 2022, we have expanded our reach to groups that are most impacted by the pandemic; women with disabilities and older women, as part of the Government of Japan-supported Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) project. In addition, as a 2022 highlight, UNFPA actively participated in the G20 Ministerial Conference Working Group and W20 Engagement group addressing reproductive health, women’s health and disability inclusion in the G20 community. UNFPA also supported the UN gender equality mechanism by co-chairing the UN Gender Thematic Working Group (UNGTG) and the UN Country Team Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) networks.

Key achievements

Results Recommendations

Supported the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) in developing policy documents on GBV prevention

Results Recommendations

Supported National Commission on Violence against Women in conducting advocacy efforts with the parliament, government, and civil society organisations (CSOs) for the Sexual Violence Criminal Law (UU TPKS) from 2018 until it was ratified in May 2022.

Results Recommendations

Supported Kemenkes in conducting a policy dialogue with stakeholders to follow up the endorsement of UU TPKS, focusing on health sector response.

Results Recommendations

Supported Bappenas in developing the background study on women’s rights protection documents for RPJMN 2025- 2029 and RPJP 2025 - 2045.

Results Recommendations

Supported KemenPPPA and Yayasan Kesehatan Perempuan in conducting a series of caregiver training in 4 (four) pilot province/districts (Jakarta, Cirebon, Palu,Ssigi) on reproductive health for child marriage prevention.

Story of Change

  • Indonesian women religious leaders call for ending female genital mutilation or cutting

    “The law of conducting female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) without medical reasons is haram (forbidden, ed.),” according to the Indonesian Women Ulema Congress (KUPI)’s religious view and stance on female FGM/C. “All stakeholders are responsible for preventing FGM/C without medical reasons. And the law for religious leaders, community leaders, health workers, and families to use their authority to protect women from the harms of FGM/C without medical reasons is obligatory,” it says firmly.

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Chapter 5



The key focus areas of our population data and analysis work in 2022 were ensuring the national master plan for population and development is aligned with the national priority of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing a platform for national population data, and a national knowledge hub for sexual and reproductive health, including in humanitarian contexts

Key achievements

Results Recommendations

Developed an integrated framework concept note for the national master plan/the population development grand design, and analyzed population issues with Bappenas so they align with SDGs.

Results Recommendations

Evaluated the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 153/2014 on Grand Design Population and Development, followed by a recommended action plan with Bappenas.

Results Recommendations

Developed a consensus report on methodology of estimation of demographic parameters and population projection with Bappenas and BPS-Statistics Indonesia.

Results Recommendations

BPS-Statistics Indonesia completed the 2020 Population Census Long Form in 2022 and the results have been available since January 2023.

Results Recommendations

Indonesia One Disaster Data (SDBI) final draft prepared by the National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB). The pilot has been implemented in three pilot areas: Yogyakarta, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and West Sumatra.

Results Recommendations

Knowledge Hub for Reproductive Health Indonesia portal and dashboard for learning management system (LMS) with FKM UI developed.

Story of Change

  • Women Serve as the Backbone of Cianjur Earthquake Response

    Family resilience motivators (Motekar) of the Cianjur district Office of Population Management, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, and Child Protection (DPPKBP3A) are the backbone of the sex, age, disability disaggregated data (SADDD) collection for the Cianjur earthquake humanitarian response in late 2022. Despite all the challenges they have faced in visiting displacement tents in hard-to-reach areas, for Ati Sumiati (45), Ani Yunengsih (40), and Nursyaidah (46), this is an important task they proudly take on to help make sure that the needs of women and girls affected by the Cianjur earthquake are prioritized.

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50 years of promoting rights and choices for women and girls

In 2022, we celebrated the golden anniversary of UNFPA’s partnership with the Government of Indonesia. I am proud that at the age of 50, UNFPA in Indonesia has accomplished a lot of important milestones.

Today, UNFPA is one of Indonesia’s most valued partners in reproductive health, youth, population and development, and gender equality. Together, we work to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health information and services through policy change, advocacy, and knowledge sharing. Together, we strive to achieve the three transformative results also known as three zeros: ending preventable maternal deaths, unmet need for family planning, and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls. Because we know that without making the Three Transformative Results a reality, we will not achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to each and every one of our partners for the continuous hard work and dedication. Let us strengthen our partnerships and commitment to protecting the rights of women, girls, and the most vulnerable so that they can make informed choices about their body, health, wellbeing, and future.

Terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya atas kerja samanya.

Anjali Sen, UNFPA Indonesia Representative


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